For LibGuides
Power up your Open Access Libguide with a search bar showing patrons how to find alternatives to paywalled papers.
Please sign up / sign in so we can customise this link for you and give you better service.
- In your Libguide, create a new box if needed. Add a title to your widget (we suggest "Search for Open Access articles").
- Choose to add "Media / Widget".
- Copy and paste the below code into the "embed code" box:
<script src=""></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){openaccessbutton_widget();});</script>
<div id="openaccessbutton_widget"></div>
It should look like this. If it does, hit save!
- Now try it with the examples shown! (You may need to refresh the page.)
If it doesn't work, you may need to install jquery, so try pasting this above the code you already pasted in:
<script src=""></script>
If the syling doesn't look right you can try using the css framework we use by pasting this in too:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
- You're done. Time to tell everyone on campus!
If anything is wrong, get in touch.
For Interlibary Loan
Save time and money, and advance Open Access, by helping patrons search for alternatives to paywalled papers before requesting an ILL.
Please sign up / sign in first so we can customise this widget for you and give you better service.
To get started, include the following in the source code (HTML) of your page:
<script src=""></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){openaccessbutton_widget();});</script>
<div id="openaccessbutton_widget"></div>
If it looks like the version on this page, you're done! If it doesn't show up, that's okay, you probably need to include the following code:
<script src=""></script>
Make sure you put it above the code you put in before. If you can now see a box on the page, but it doesn't look right, add this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
You should now be good to go! You can control where the search widget gets displayed by moving:
<div id="openaccessbutton_widget"></div>
If you have trouble getting EmbedOA working, get in touch.
For E-Resource pages
Help your patrons discover E-Resources from thousands of credible sources, without leaving your website, learning how to use new ones, and being asked to pay.
Please sign up / sign in first so we can customise this widget for you and give you better service.
To get started, include the following in the source code of your page:
<script src=""></script><script>jQuery(document).ready(function(){openaccessbutton_widget();});</script>
<div id="openaccessbutton_widget"></div>
If it looks like the version on this page, you're done! If it doesn't show up, you probably need to include the below code:
<script src=""></script>
If you can now see something on the page, but it doesn't look right, add this:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
You should now be good to go! You can control where the search widget gets displayed by moving:
<div id="openaccessbutton_widget"></div>
If you have trouble getting EmbedOA working,
get in touch.